
The current state, directions, and basic conceptual principles of the state social policy of the EU are studied, their distinctive features are characterized. The level of social development of the EU member states, the main strategic directions of state support of development, features, and needs of the social sphere of Ukraine in the course of the European integration, and strategic goals of their settlement are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of European experience to improve the social model of development and political stability of Ukraine. Modern approaches to the implementation of social policy are outlined. The relationship between social and economic matters in the policy of sustainable human development is shown. Emphasis is placed on the priority of active and effective state social policy, which results in the creation of conditions for the development of the welfare state, ensuring the social orientation of the economy, protection of social interests of on individual, society, and state. The practice of foreign countries on the implementation of social protection and regulation of social development processes is analyzed. Priority areas for reforming Ukraine's state social policy in the context of adaptation to the EU standards are identified. The conditions of functioning of the current system of social protection of the population of Ukraine are analyzed; the experience of leading "welfare states" in the formation of models of social policy is studied; weaknesses and ways to improve the domestic social protection system are identified; approaches to solving the problems of financing in social protection are proposed. Insufficient institutional capacity of the authorities hinders the realization of the potential of the European integration course in full, correct determination of the sequence of steps, calculation of the ways to achieve tasks, search for the necessary solutions for stakeholders to take full advantage of all benefits.

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