
Personality is the ability to govern oneself and others. In psychological terms, personality refers to a person's organised dialectical characteristics and the resulting attitudes, behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. Personality in general refers largely to one's outward appearance. Although women were not given full freedom during the Sangam period, they excelled in many fields during that time. As well as excelling in various fields, they were well versed in Tamil as well. Reminiscing about the excellence of Sangam period woman poet Avvaiyaar and studying her language skills and intellect can teach us a lot. Sangam women lived a life of virtue, chivalry, love, pleasure and nature. Because they were literate, they became creators and recorded the lives of women. Women were the root of the akappaatalkal (poetry of love genre). Most of the epithets built on femininity are seen in Akappaatalkal as Thalaivi (woman-lead), Thozhi (friend), Virali (young girl), Natraai (mother), Sevilitthai (nanny). Literature is the one that captures various aspects of life. In it, the speech and life of Purananutru Avvaiyaar are seen with pride. Though Athiyaman Neduman Anci was a king of a small region, she befriended him and stayed in his court till the end. She sang heroic songs, especially for the king. She tirelessly supported Anji till the end. She had lived a simple life and was considered a worldly poet because of her respect for humanity and culture. The new saying is that good things happen and evil things are destroyed by women. Women are gifted with wisdom and intelligence. The qualities of excellence, knowledge, humility, etc. are inherent in nature. The purpose of this article is to look only at the personality of Puranaanutru Avvaiyaar.

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