
Re-ranking is to refine the candidate ranking list of recommended items, such that the re-ranked list attracts users to purchase or click more items than the candidate one without re-ranking. Items in the candidate list are often ranked by their relevance to users’ interests. It is thus important to exploit the mutual influence between items in the re-ranking process. Existing re-ranking models focus on only the pairwise influence between two items, and have limited capability to exploit the local mutual influence in a group of items. Users often show successive interests on a group of relevant items, e.g., mobile phone, phone covers, wireless headset, namely scene. We propose a novel re-ranking model that jointly exploits the local mutual influence in scenes and the global mutual influence between different scenes. Scene representations are learned by GNN and multi-head attention, where GNN aims to learn local mutual influence while multi-head attention is to learn global mutual influence. To study the interaction between users and scenes, matrix factorization on users is utilized to obtain the user preference, which can be further applied to scenes to compute the scene scores. The final re-ranking list is generated by sorting the predicted scores of all scenes. To further mine user history information and item related user information, we also develop the extension pretraining module which relies on mask mechanism to support users and items high-quality embedding generation. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation on several real-world datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our model substantially outperforms existing approaches.

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