
The quest for "personalized medicine" in psychiatry has focused mainly on pursuing potential biomarkers such as pharmacogenetic predictors of drug response. However, the collective randomized trial database across phases of bipolar disorder allows one to identify clinical characteristics that inform the likelihood of desired treatment outcomes. In turn, those characteristics, termed moderators and mediators of drug response, enable those who administer treatment to construct clinical profiles that can help them tailor pharmacotherapies to the features of a given patient rather than simply to an overall diagnosis. Bipolar disorder typically involves more heterogeneous than uniform clinical presentations, partly because of its highly prevalent psychiatric and medical comorbid conditions. Further clinical diversity arises from characteristics such as bipolar I versus II disorder subtype, rapid cycling, mixed versus pure affective episodes, psychosis, anxiety, chronicity, cognitive dysfunction, and suicidality, among other distinguishing features. By coupling such profiles with an awareness of the psychotropic breadth of spectrum held by particular medications, clinicians can devise strategic combination therapy regimens, capitalizing on synergies and using drugs that exert multiple relevant effects, addressing comorbid conditions, incorporating medications that could offset adverse effects of other agents, and avoiding or deprescribing medication options that lack known evidence to target symptoms within the clinical profile of a given patient.

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