
Pavan Kapanipathi is a final year PhD candidate at Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. He will soon join IBM TJ Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member. His PhD dissertation is focused on harnessing knowledge bases for addressing Big Data challenges on social media. He has published his research at top conferences in his areas of expertise such as ISWC, and ESWC. On the basis of his research, he has given invited talks at institutions such as IBM TJ Watson Research Center and EMC, CTO Office, Bangalore. He was part of the team that developed a Tweet filtering system Twarql that won a LOD Triplification challenge, which was organized at I-Semantics 2010, a prominent venue for the Semantic Web community. For more information see http://www.knoesis.org/researchers/pavan

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