
Abstract: Education plays a vital role in the programme of nation building. Education also emancipates the human beings and leads to liberation from ignorance. It is also said that in the twenty first century-a nation’s ability to convent knowledge into wealth and Religious good through the process of innovation is going to determine its future, according twenty first century is also termed as century of knowledge. Education is a principal instrument in awakening the child to cultural values in preparing him/her for later professional life and adjustment in their Religious life. Education is a goal oriented and continuous process that develop the adjustment ability in the child. India is a power house of software and human resources however the availability of electronics in country has not been up to the requirement for the service to its citizens. In the college students situation regular students are more successful than private students on the factors of Religious values. Boys are showing the high tendency performance than girls. Rural boys and girls students reveal low tendency than urban boys and girls. Effect of personality traits on environment (i.e. rural and urban) and sex (I,e boys & girls) are not equal on factors of Religious values.

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