
Studies that dealt with the personality were diverse in terms of analysis leading to a multiplicity of views and variations based on different references of criticism. It is a psychological and pragmatic approach to the structural and ideological curriculum that has moved the personality from its human orbit to the paper stage object, as Roland Bar mentioned, and from the person to the personality, as expressed by Michelle Zrava, where humans move from the visible reality to the imaginary personality in the mind meaning that its concept is reflected from its reference function not its style pattern and the creator was expressing a special philosophy that is behind the general features of it or when filmed the hero in the product literary text. 
 Since poetry is one of the most Arabic arts to say and care about photographing the human in his relationship with the society so the characters appear in a double sign the critics stand between the creative picture and the imagination of the creator that reflects the image of the real person and from here he deliberately Dabel Al Khuzaee adopted techniques and narrative mechanisms for displaying personality profiles and drawing its text image so he formed of dialogue, features and attributes is an important factor to show the personality and play its role so the recipient feels it and she speaks and works and exercises her function with specificfeatures within the text.


  • Dr Hadi Abdul - Hussain Laibi College of Imam Kadhim Abstract: Studies that dealt with the personality were diverse in terms of analysis leading to a multiplicity of views and variations based on different references of criticism

  • ‫تعددت الرؤ النقدية لد ارسة الشخصية في ميػداف الأدب – شػع اًر ونثػ اًر –‪ ،‬وكػاف لمد ارسػات‬ ‫النقدية التقميدية قدـ السبؽ في ذلؾ‪ ،‬إذ كانت تنظر إلى الشخصية عمى أنيا نظير موضوعي لمواقػع‬

  • ‫فَيػػػػػػػػػػػػػػػػػػػػػا قبحيا منو‪ ،‬ويػػػػػػػػا حس َف منظِر‬ ‫ويمكف أف نمحظ تقدـ ((إسماعيؿ)) في السطور الشعرية وىو يترؾ(ىوازف) خمؼ ظيره في‬ ‫دلالػة عمػى اليػروب المتضػمف معنػى الجػبف‪ ،‬فضػلاً عػف ((زيػد)) بعػد منطقػة ((الػ ازب))‪ ،‬ثػـ تػأتي‬ ‫صػورة الشخصػية الأخػر ((زيػد بػف موسػى))‪ ،‬التػي أفصػح عنيػا دعبػؿ‪ ،‬مبينػاً حضػورىا عػف طريػؽ‬ ‫فعػؿ السػمب الصػادر مػف الشخصػية الأولػى ((وقػد فػّر مػف ‪ ))...‬مؤكػداً ذلػؾ بالصػورة البصػرية التػي‬ ‫التقطيػا لمشخصػية الأولػى ((وعاينتػو)) التػي فػتح منيػا نافػذة رؤيػة لممتمقػي بفعػؿ سػمبي فػي لحظػة‬ ‫مخصوصػػة بعػػد المعاينػػة البصػػرية ((‪ ...‬يػػوـ خمػػى حريمػػو))؛ ليكشػػؼ بعػػدىا عػػف الخمػػؽ العربػػي‬ ‫الرفيع‪ ،‬ويضعيا في بوتقة السخرية والاستي از ‪ ،‬ولاسيما بعد أف جا بصياة الطباؽ بيف ((فيا قبحيا‬ ‫‪ ...‬ويػا حسػف منظػر))‪ ،‬فيشػعر المتمقػي بالمفارقػة بػيف الفعمػيف؛ فيػو قبػيح المنظػر لذاتػو ((يػوـ خمػى‬ ‫حريمو)) وحسف المنظر لأعدائو لجبنو وىروبو‪ ،‬وبيف ثنائيػة الفعػؿ ودلالتػو تتمظيػر الشخصػية عمػى‬

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Dr Hadi Abdul - Hussain Laibi College of Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him) Abstract: Studies that dealt with the personality were diverse in terms of analysis leading to a multiplicity of views and variations based on different references of criticism.

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