
This is an extension of a study of personality and reported incidence of physical illness in female studenr nurses. The original sample was increased and the data reinterpreted ( 2 ) . Ss were chosen from 320 student nurses who were serving their psychiatric affiliation at the Milledgeville Stare Hospital. Incidence of illness ( M = 1.58 complaints, 2.02 days lost in 1 yr.) was determined from a health questionnaire ( 2 ) . From the extremes of the sample were chosen 58 Ss who reported a high incidence of illness ( M = 4.50 complaints, 4.40 days lost) and 83 who reported a low incidence ( M = 0.81 complaints, 1.62 days lost). Personality measures were based on Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Test ( IPAT; 1 ) . Five personality traits were identified on the IPAT and the second-order anxiety fac[or was significant. The low group obtained a mean raw score of 5.16 on the secondorder anxiety factor while the high group's mean was 6.13 ( t = 3.81, P = ,001, d f = 1 3 9 ) ; the group with less physical illness had less anxiety. On Factor C, Emotionally stable vs Emotionally dissatisfied, the respective means were 7.14 and 5.91 ( t = 2.95, f~ = .01, d f = 1 3 9 ) , indicating the lows were more emotionally stable and mature, calm and phlegmatic, realistic about life, more complacent, and showed less neurotic fatigue. On Factor L, Trustful vs Suspecting, M I , , was 5.1 3, and Ml,lgll was 6.43 ( t = 3.32, P = ,001, d f = 1 3 9 ) . showing low Ss were marked by freedom from jealous tendencies, adaptable, cheerful, composed, concerned about other people, and good team workers. On Factor N, Forrhrightness vs Shrewdness, M I , , was 4.46, while h i ~ , # , h was 5.22 ( t = 2.73, 9 = .01, df = 1 3 9 ) , suggesting that the former tended to be unsophisticated and simple, easily pleased although sometimes crude and awkward. O n Factor C, Confident adequacy vs Guilr proneness, M I , , , was 4.07, while M I , I ~ I , was 4.66 ( t = 2.01, P = .04, d f = 1 3 9 ) , indicating the lows were more self-confident, cheerful, resilient, tough, placid, expedient, rudely vigorous, less fearful, did not care, and were given to simple action. On Factor Q4, Stability vs Tenseness, M I , , was 5.53, and MI,I , I , was 6.36 ( r = 2.18, p = .03, df = 1 3 9 ) , lows being characterized by more emotional stabiliry and freedom from instability symptoms. These results are in line with the general conclusions of research on psychosomatic illness and encourage further development of a more useful concept of health.

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