
The article deals with the materials of the Tatar emigrant press of the 1930s dedicated to the memory about Isma‘il Gasprinsky (1851–1914). A series of publications addressed to the personality and creative heritage of the outstanding public figure appeared throughout 1933 in connection with the 50 th anniversary of the newspaper “Tеrjiman” (“Terzhiman” / “Translator”) and Gasprinsky’s 20 th death anniversary. The largest array of such papers was published in two Tatar-language periodicals: the journal “Yana Milli Yul” (Berlin) and the newspaper “Milli Bayraq” (Mukden). Part of those publications were probably initiated by the leader of Tatar political emigration Gayaz Ishaqy (1878–1954). In addition, anniversary celebrations and meetings were widely covered in emigrant media, as well as historiographic reviews. Covering anniversary events, publishing large printed materials and informing readers about current events, the emigrant press played an important ideological, organizational and coordinating role, connecting disparate communities and individuals, as well as relaying the most important meanings and values for the nation. Thus, the Tatar-speaking emigre press was an active participant in the discourse of national memory, developing and transforming in the difficult conditions of exile and separation from their homeland.

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