
It has been argued that people are more inclined to accept a robot in their daily lives and even their home, if they have the feeling that the robot's behavior and interaction style matches their characteristics, needs and abilities. The concept of personalization has been introduced in order to create such personal, tailored human-robot interactions (HRI). Personalizing HRI means that robot takes into account individual user characteristics and can adjust its behavior to the situation and the human interaction partner. Previous HRI research indicates that personalization can have positive effects on the user experience during HRI as well as the user's attitudes towards and perceptions of the robot. This workshop is aimed at discussing the value of and exchanging ideas about the concept of personalization for HRI design. More concretely, we want to explore tools, methods and processes for appropriate robot behavior design and interaction modelling for personalized HRI. The workshop uses interactive, creative activities inspired by design thinking and participatory design to promote collaboration and co-creation between the participants and to inspire new, innovative perspectives on personalized HRI.

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