
Relevance.When working in hazardous conditions, eliminating accidents, fires and emergencies, personal respiratory protective equipment (RPE) helps optimize working capacity and preserve the health of workers and the population. The use of RPE is especially important in epidemics spreading by airborne droplets, i.e. in the pandemic of the coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2.Intention.To analyze the development of patenting and types of inventions in the field of RPE in the world over 20 years from 2000 to 2019.Methodology.The object of the research was patents for inventions, in which headings included the types of respirators and gas masks according to the International Patent Classification (IPC). It should be noted that this classification is somewhat different from that adopted in Russia. Clarivate Analytics’ Derwent Innovations patent database was searched.Results and Discussion.The created search mode made it possible to find 5006 responses to patents for inventions, in which IPC headings were presented by types of respirators and gas masks. Annually, (250 ± 11) inventions with IPC headings by RPE type were paternted worldwide. The dynamics of patenting inventions resembles an inverted U-curve with maximum rates in 2014–2015 and some decrease in the last observation period. The largest contribution to the total array of inventions by RPE type was made by patent families affiliated with the United States (43.9 %), South Korea (22 %), Japan (21.2 %), China (19 %) and the European Patent Office (18.7 %). The structure of the analyzed inventions in the world included RPEs with compressed oxygen or air (7.5 %), with breathing-controlled valves dosing the supply of oxygen or air (4.4 %), with liquid oxygen (0.9 %), with oxygen-releasing chemicals (11.3 %), with filtering elements (20.6 %), hose (2.4 %), for high-altitude aircrafts (4.8%). RPE masks and RPE helmets accounted for 44.1 % and 4 %, respectively. There were regional differences in the patenting of inventions by RPE types.Conclusion.There were quite many domestic inventions on RPE with oxygen-releasing chemicals and with filter elements; the overall contribution of patented inventions in Russia for all RPE types was 6% of the total array.


  • The object of the research was patents for inventions, in which headings included the types of respirators and gas masks according to the International Patent Classification (IPC)

  • The created search mode made it possible to find 5006 responses to patents for inventions, in which IPC headings were presented by types of respirators and gas masks

  • The largest contribution to the total array of inventions by respiratory protective equipment (RPE) type was made by patent families affiliated with the United States (43.9 %), South Korea (22 %), Japan (21.2 %), China (19 %) and the European Patent Office (18.7 %)

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Фильтрующий гражданский противогаз

Респиратор (ЗМ 9925) имеет прочную ча (ГП‐21) предназначен для защиты взрослого шеобразную конструкцию, что увеличивает населения, в том числе невоенизированных. Е. может быть использован до 60 °С, а также при кратковременном воз в промышленности, сельском хозяйстве, действии температуры 200 °С в течение 1 мин здравоохранении, других отраслях экономи и открытого пламени с температурой 800 °С ки или в социальной сфере. В самоспасателе «Шанс-Е» Администрирование международных действие двух фильтров значительно снижает конвенций в области интеллектуальной концентрацию опасных химических веществ собственности в мире осуществляет Все (паров, газов и аэрозолей). Респираторы и маски для меди диумом Совета при Президенте России по цинских целей относятся к подклассу А61M стратегическому развитию и национальным по МПК. Широкомасштабные ным направлениям научно-технологического исследования по анализу изобретений в сфе развития, отмечает, что Россия находится на ре СИЗОД в мире не найдены. 7-м месте – по направлению «Медицинские технологии» [9]

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