
Personal non-property rights are important components of everyone's rights capacity. The well-being of each of us essentially depends on the scope of personal non-property rights, how they will be established in law, because personal non-property rights are the basis of any person's life, they are the rights that a person acquires from birth and remains them till one’s death.
 The issue of personal non-property rights settlement occupies one of the central places in civil law science. Real provision of human rights is considered as a sign of a developed constitutional state, the result of building the democratic relations.
 Legislative consolidation of general provisions on personal non-property rights in Chapter 20 of the Civil Code of Ukraine was once perceived as a new stage in ensuring the comprehensive development of the individual, protection of his life, freedom, honor, dignity, security and inviolability. We fully share the views of authors and believe that the adoption of the Civil Code marked the beginning of a new era in the regulation of personal non-property relations and ensuring the rights of individuals in Ukraine.
 In our opinion, for a fuller understanding of these rights it is necessary to study the development of personal non-property rights in Ukraine: from the first scientific studies on a given topic to the latest novels - analysis of the Concept of updating the Civil Code of Ukraine, presented by members of the working group. Interesting and noteworthy are the proposals of the authors of the Concept on the consolidation and specification of personal non-property rights, expanding the rights on the security of individuals, strengthening the right to privacy, protection of personal data and many others.
 The conducted analysis shows the foresight of the domestic legislator, his broad view of the challenges and forehanded and adequate response to them. Indeed, we can not ignore the rapid development of science and technology, the emergence of new relationships that require detailed legal regulation.

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