
The 2019 guidelines for the renewal of general education programs in Lithuania state that there is a lack of coherence between the goals of education, the implementation of the curriculum, and the assessment of students’ achievements. The description of Lithuanian primary, basic and secondary education (2015) states that the main result of education is the gradually acquired competencies indicating the spiritual, intellectual and physical maturity of a person, which include knowledge, understanding, abilities and attitudes. This presupposes that state maturity exams should be designed to reflect the competencies, knowledge, understanding, abilities and attitudes that indicate a person’s maturity. Based on this idea, a qualitative study was conducted in 2020. Its aim was to determine the indicators of personal maturity in Lithuanian conceptual educational documents. To achieve the research goal, we applied the data collection method (document analysis) and the data processing method (content analysis). Qualitative research has shown that a person’s maturity in Lithuania is identified based on a set of competencies. To complete their general education, students should have the following competencies: social, emotional and healthy lifestyles; cognition; creativity; civil, cultural communication. A review of the scientific literature presupposes that at the stage of late adolescent personality development, a person is yet to be in search of their identity. The documents emphasize that competencies are assessed in teacher-student interactions by accumulating qualitative evidence of competencies. Meanwhile state maturity exams measure three groups of cognitive abilities: knowledge and understanding, application of knowledge, and advanced thinking abilities. Personal values and beliefs are not reflected in state maturity exams. The conclusion of the research is that maturity exams do not reflect the maturity of a person described in the conceptual documents of Lithuanian education.


  • Lietuvoje mokyklos baigimo egzaminai vadinami valstybiniais brandos egzaminais, o mokyklos baigimo pažymėjimas vadinamas brandos atestatu

  • The 2019 guidelines for the renewal of general education programs in Lithuania state that there is a lack of coherence between the goals

  • This presupposes that state maturity exams should be designed to reflect the competencies

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Cambridge žodyne paauglys yra apibrėžiamas kaip jaunas asmuo tarp 13 ir 19 metų amžiaus. „Paaugliai susiduria su biologiniais, kognityviniais, socialiniais ir emociniais pokyčiais, prie kurių turi prisitaikyti“ (Žukauskienė, 2012, p. 486). Paauglystė yra siejama su lytinio brendimo pradžia. Mergaičių lytinis brendimas prasideda 12–15 metų, o lytinio brendimo pabaiga 16–17 metų amžiaus. Berniukų lytinis brendimas prasideda 1–3 metais vėliau nei mergaičių. Berniukų lytinis brendimas prasideda 13–16 metų ir baigiasi apie 19–21 gyvenimo metus. Paauglystės laikotarpiu ypač intensyviai auga paauglių kūnas. Ūgis ir kūno masė staigiai didėja, greitai auga kaulai, raumenys vystosi lėčiau. 1999 metais JAV Nacionalinis psichinės sveikatos institutas įrodė, kad smegenų pilkoji masė didėja iki brendimo pabaigos. Paauglystėje labiausiai vystosi kaktinė smegenų sritis – atsakinga už vykdomųjų funkcijų veiklą: planavimą, dėmesio koncentravimą, impulsų kontrolę, darbinę atmintį. Dažniausiai ši kaktinė smegenų sritis galutinai išsivysto tik 25–30 metų Atsakingos už informacijos apdorojimą, vystosi dvejais metais anksčiau už berniukų

Kognityvinė branda
Psichosocialinė branda
Tyrimo metodologija
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