
We are currently experiencing a revolution of information, with an increasing technological development. Today most people use tools and web 2.0 services, use games, emails, social networks, video websites, office programs, etc. is reduced And to say that its use is rather limited, students do not become aware of the learning that can be achieved. In this context, this research on Personal Learning Environments emerges as a new way of understanding learning, which requires reflection, knowledge and expertise to create personal learning environments that we serve as a mediator of learning instrument along our training. The Personal Learning Environment is part of our ecosystem, it is as we manage information and learn in interaction with our environment to get knowledge and learning. In this research work the PLE will be analysed from a pedagogical point of view how people learn in a technology environment. It is interesting how we are in contact with our tools, resources, social and personal networks we establish, in a formal e informal open ecosystem and we interact with them. This research has as an objective to analyse the PLE of the first-year students of Education. It is tried to research environments above mentioned, to describe digital competences, strategies and tools used by students to manage their own learning and to establish relations between environments, mentioned above, with their styles of learning, academic performance, multidisciplinary areas, etc. As well as it is to give students a new approach by using technology to learn that eases necessary skills to the development, redesign and improvement of their own Personal Learning Environment, according to their necessities. The student is let to grab different tools of learning and use them as a strategy of learning. In this way it is tried to search if students' PLE is improved with this new approach and if its usage is kept along the lifelong learning of students. In summary, it is intended to work such environments using a new approach to learning that they enrich, so that students know the potential and usefulness for their own benefit, to be active (consumers not only) and manage their learning (formal and informal) and incorporate these in their PLE.

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