
Ensuring the personal data security today is not only an important element of the development the information society, but also an objective necessity. Information about a person has now become a special product that has its own price. This data in the criminals’ and fraudsters’ hands turns into a tool of crime or a commodity for sale to competing companies. Information in the hands of cybercriminals and fraudsters becomes an instrument of crime, in the hands of former friends – a means of revenge, in the hands of an insider (from the English inside – inside) – a product for sale to competing companies. That is why the level and quality of personal data protection requires a very serious doctrinal and practical research. The necessity to take measures to protect personal data is caused, inter alia, by improving the technical capacity to collect, process and disseminate information in the online environment. The level of information technology has finally reached the point where self-protection of information rights is no longer an effective means of counteracting invasions of privacy. Modern man is no longer physically able to avoid all the variety of obvious or hidden means and technologies of collecting and processing information that are used against him by companies to achieve a certain commercial goal. With the development of e-commerce and available media, the possibilities of abuse related to the use of collected and accumulated information about an individual have also increased. All this pushes us to scientific reflection on identifying specific ways and mechanisms of human protection in the Internet environment. The object of the study is a special type of personal non-property legal relations that arise in the process of its collection, processing and distribution by authorized entities on the Internet. The purpose of the study is to study the doctrinal and legislative basis for the collection, processing and dissemination of personal data using effective mechanisms to ensure their protection in Ukraine and abroad. The task of the study is to identify personal data and their specific features in the system of personal non-property rights, determine the subject-object composition of legal relations for the collection, processing, dissemination of personal data, study the actual possibility of implementing relevant legislation of leading countries. The practical significance of the obtained research results lies in the substantiation of the need to protect the inalienable human rights and freedoms in cyberspace from unlawful encroachments.

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