
The purpose of the article is to analyze the main milestones in the life and personality qualities of Larry King, which influenced the formation of his communication skills as a professional showman. The methodology combines art history, cultural studies, and historical approaches. A biographical approach was used to analyze the main milestones in the life and work of Larry King. At the same time, general scientific research methods are involved: analysis, synthesis, generalization, etc. Scientific novelty. For the first time in Ukrainian science, the stages of life, personal and communicative qualities of Larry King, which influenced his formation as the most famous American showman of the twentieth century, are analyzed. Conclusions. Larry King can be considered a man who made himself. Getting rid of shyness, being able to choose a topic for conversation, attracting an interlocutor, etc. are the main qualities of a successful showman, which can be developed even without proper education. Also, the life and work of Larry King allow us to conclude that the ability to communicate - one of the most important in any profession and in any personal relationship. The art of conversation, negotiation, or interview makes us not only successful interlocutors but also a person who can reach great heights in the profession and reach people's hearts. This is evidenced not only by the life story of the showman but also the popularity of his highest-rated talk show on television "Larry King Live", the success of which is largely due to the personal and communicative qualities of the host.


  • СЦЕНІЧНЕ МИСТЕЦТВОС. Особистісно-комунікативні якості шоумена: self-made man Ларрі Кінг

  • Про це свідчить не лише історія життя шоумена, а й популярність його найбільш рейтингового ток-шоу на телебаченні «Larry King Live», успішність якого зумовлена більшою мірою особистісно-комунікативними якостями ведучого

  • Personal and communicative qualities of the showman: self-made man Larry King The purpose of the article is to analyze the main milestones in the life and personality qualities of Larry King, which influenced the formation of his communication skills as a professional showman

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С. Особистісно-комунікативні якості шоумена: self-made man Ларрі Кінг. Вперше в українській науці проаналізовано етапи життя, особистісно-комунікативні якості Ларрі Кінга, які вплинули на його становлення як найвідомішого американського шоумена ХХ століття. For the first time in Ukrainian science, the stages of life, personal and communicative qualities of Larry King, which influenced his formation as the most famous American showman of the twentieth century, are analyzed. The art of conversation, negotiation, or interview makes us successful interlocutors and a person who can reach great heights in the profession and reach people's hearts This is evidenced by the life story of the showman and the popularity of his highest-rated talk show on television "Larry King Live", the success of which is largely due to the personal and communicative qualities of the host. Життю і творчому шляху Ларрі Кінга присвячена низка публіцистичних статей, проте наукових праць віднайти не вдалося

Вагомими для вивчення особистості Ларрі
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