
Logarithmic or Sinai-type subdiffusion is usually associated with random force disorder and nonstationary potential fluctuations whose root-mean-squared amplitude grows with distance. We show here that extremely persistent, macroscopic logarithmic diffusion also universally emerges at sufficiently low temperatures in stationary Gaussian random potentials with spatially decaying correlations, known to exist in a broad range of physical systems. Combining results from extensive simulations with a scaling approach we elucidate the physical mechanism of this unusual subdiffusion. In particular, we explain why with growing temperature and/or time a first crossover occurs to standard, power-law subdiffusion, with a time-dependent power-law exponent, and then a second crossover occurs to normal diffusion with a disorder-renormalized diffusion coefficient. Interestingly, the initial, nominally ultraslow diffusion turns out to be much faster than the universal de Gennes-Bässler-Zwanzig limit of the renormalized normal diffusion, which realistically cannot be attained at sufficiently low temperatures and/or for strong disorder. The ultraslow diffusion is also shown to be nonergodic and it displays a local bias phenomenon. Our simple scaling theory not only explains our numerical findings but qualitatively also has a predictive character.

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