
Plasmodium malariae causes malaria in humans throughout the tropics and subtropics. Plasmodium ovale curtisi and Plasmodium ovale wallikeri are sympatric sibling species common in sub-Saharan Africa and also found in Oceania and Asia. Although rarely identified as the cause of malaria cases in endemic countries, PCR detection has confirmed all three parasite species to be more prevalent, and persistent, than previously thought. Chronic, low-density, multispecies asymptomatic infection is a successful biological adaptation by these Plasmodium spp., a pattern also observed among malaria parasites of wild primates. Current whole-genome analyses are illuminating the species barrier separating the ovale parasite species and reveal substantial expansion of subtelomeric gene families. The evidence for and against a quiescent pre-erythrocytic form of P. malariae is reviewed.

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