
The increase in the complexity of eukaryotic life during the Tonian Period (ca. 1000 to 720 Ma) is commonly associated with the oxygenation of the Earth’s ocean–atmosphere system, yet the timing and duration of these redox changes remain uncertain. In particular, it is unclear how shallow marine environments, which were likely crucial habitats for early eukaryotic organisms, responded to Neoproterozoic oxygenation. This study uses trace and rare earth element geochemistry to determine shallow marine redox conditions during the deposition of the late Tonian (ca. 760 Ma) Devede Formation, northern Namibia. In this unit, although carbonate phases (microbialite, former aragonite and high Mg calcite marine cements, and primary dolomite marine cements) generally exhibit no Ce/Ce* anomaly, rare negative values (up to 0.55) are consistent with short-lived periods of oxygenation. In contrast, the dominantly positive Eu/Eu* anomalies of the same phases suggest that basinal conditions were anoxic. These phases also exhibit low concentrations of redox-sensitive (U, V, Mo) and chalcophile (Co, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb) elements, suggesting that euxinic conditions were predominant during the deposition of the Devede Formation. Integration of this data (Ce/Ce* and Eu/Eu*) with that of analogous late Tonian (ca. 840 to 731 Ma) carbonate strata reveals that shallow marine settings were characterised by persistent anoxia and euxinia, suggesting that any potential increase in atmospheric O2 ca. 800 Ma (e.g. the Bitter Springs Anomaly) was insufficient to facilitate resilient ocean oxygenation. These findings suggest that the late Tonian oceans were likely challenging environments for complex (e.g. eukaryotic) life, and add to a growing body of evidence that the spatially variable redox conditions of late Proterozoic shallow marine settings likely reflect the complex nature of the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event.

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