
Summary1. Macroinvertebrate communities were studied from 1994 to 2001/2002 (except 1997) in six streams in Denali National Park, interior Alaska. All six streams were potential reference streams with no known impairment.2. Abundance of individual taxa varied markedly from year to year. Overall, abundance decreased over the study period, particularly with respect to mayflies. Stonefly taxa showed lower persistence and were sometimes absent from a stream in any particular year.3. Mean community persistence for the six streams, as measured by Jaccard's similarity coefficients between years, varied from 0.48 in the year pair 1999–2000 to 0.78 in 1998–99. Tattler Creek (a small stable stream) supported the most persistent macroinvertebrate community and Highway Pass Creek (a small, unstable creek) the least. Mean community persistence showed a significant relationship with mean winter snowfall (November to March) for the six streams.4. The highest community compositional stability was found in Tattler Creek and the lowest in Highway Pass Creek, but stability varied markedly over time for the six streams, peaking in 1994–95 and reaching a minimum in 2000–01. Compositional stability was significantly related to the Pfankuch Index of channel stability.5. The composition metrics % Chironomidae, % dominant taxa, %EPT, % Ephemeroptera and % Plecoptera, employed as part of the Alaska Stream Condition Index, varied over almost their entire range in these pristine streams across the 9 years of the study.6. This study demonstrates the wide range of natural variation that occurs in benthic macroinvertebrate communities in these pristine central Alaskan streams, potentially limiting the applicability of composition metrics for the biological monitoring of water quality in these systems.

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