
The British oil investment which held the greatest significance for the future was in Persia. The discovery of oil in that country not only marked the effective beginning of the modern oil industry of the Middle East, but the company concerned was to become the only one of the seven sisters to be wholly British-owned. The British Government was far more closely involved in events in Persia than in Mexico, the other great success story of British oil enterprise before 1914. Indeed the support of the Government was an essential factor in the success of the company. It was, therefore, no coincidence that it was to be the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, rather than Mexican Eagle, in which the State eventually decided to purchase a majority shareholding.KeywordsSouth WestPetroleum CompanyIndian RailwayFisher CommissionMarketing AgreementThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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