
The number of ratios of women is greater than the men. By this comparison, it is necessary to empower women to develop their existing potential. One of the efforts is through the formation of women’s group. The field women group of Dewi Sri is one form of women empowerments in agricultural sector, particularly on the orchid development. In the ongoing development of orchids, field women i still experienced circumstances both in cultivation and sales stage. With the presence of field agricultural extension workers, it is expected that they can accompany the field women group and help to solve the problem.
 This study aims to find out the perception of field women towards the role of field agricultural extensionists in the development of orchids in the field women group of Dewi Sri, Gaum, Tasikmadu, Karanganyar. The method of determining samples is done through saturated samples with the number of respondents as many as 30 people. The methods of data analysis applied are validity test, reliability test, respondent achievement level and spearman rank test.
 The results of this study show the perception of field women is high in the role of extension as a motivator, facilitator and low in the role of extension workers as a consultant, communicator, and supervisor. The development of orchids cultivation stage and sales are classified in the very low category. Spearman rank test results (1) There is a relation between the perception of field women to the role of field agricultural extensionists as a communicator, and supervisor in the development of orchids cultivation stage. While there is no relation between the perception of field women to the role of field agricultural extension as a motivator, facilitator and consultant in the development of orchids cultivation stage. (2) There is a relation between the perception of field women to the role of field agricultural extensionists as a facilitator in the development of orchids in the sales stage. While it is not related between the perception of field women to the role of field agricultural extensionists as a motivator, consultant, communicator and supervisor in the development of orchids sales stage.

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