
This study aims to determine farmers' perceptions of organic vegetable cultivation in Kuta Baro sub-district, Aceh Besar district. The variables in this study include farmers' perceptions of organic vegetable cultivation. In this study the authors used multiple linear regression test. The results showed that the farmers' perception was high with a value category of 80.77%. Based on the perception of farmers in age with a value of 629%. Based on the farmer's perception of the level of education with a value of 418%. Based on the perception of farmers in experience 639%. Based on the perception of farmers in income with a value of 421%. Based on the perception of farmers in land area with a value of 638%. Based on the perception of farmers in access to information with 639%. Based on the perception of farmers in the role of extension workers with a value of 623%. Farmers' perceptions of organic vegetable cultivation in Kuta Baro District, Aceh Besar Regency are in the high category with the other 80.77% being said to have good performance. Based on the multiple linear regression test, the value of R = 0.448, there is a strong relationship with farmers' perceptions of organic vegetable cultivation in Kuta Baro District, Aceh Besar District.

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