
Seagrass ecosystem in Youtefa Bay is very important and useful for the local people’s lives in around the Youtefa Bay. Willingness to Pay (WTP) of the locals toward the seagrass ecosystem is their appreciation for the existing value of seagrass ecosystem. This research explored how much the WTP was given by the local people toward the existences of seagrass ecosystem in Youtefa Bay. The data collection was conducted in March to April 2018 located in three villages around the Youtefa Bay, namely Tobati, Enggros and Nafri Villages as many as 228 respondents. Data analysis of this research was quantitative analysis to find out the mean WTP, aggregate and attribute WTP that influenced WTP value. The result of this research showed that there were 202 respondents were willing to contribute or pay and 26 respondents were not. The obtained WTP value of respondents ranged between IDR 0 to IDR 200,000.00 with mean WTP of respondent was Rp 53,464.91/year meanwhile aggregate WTP was Rp 27,480,964.91/year. Variables which had significant influence toward WTP value were participation at seminaries/trainings regarding coastal ecosystem. Meanwhile gender, age, education level, income, and profession or job variables didn’t make any significant influence toward the given WTP value amount.


  • Seagrass ecosystem in Youtefa Bay is very important and useful for the local people’s lives in around the Youtefa Bay

  • of the locals toward the seagrass ecosystem is their appreciation for the existing value of seagrass ecosystem

  • how much the Willingness to Pay (WTP) was given by the local people toward the existences

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Salah satu nilai manfaat ekosistem lamun dalam perhitungan nilai ekonomi total

EnviroScienteae Vol 14 No 2, Agustus 2018: 86-93 ekosistem lamun adalah nilai keberadaan (existance value). Nilai keberadaan merupakan nilai yang diberikan masyarakat kepada sumberdaya tertentu atas manfaat spiritual, estetika, dan kultural. Secara formal konsep ini disebut sebagai keinginan membayar (Willingness to Pay, WTP) seseorang terhadap barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan oleh sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan (Fauzi, 2006). WTP telah banyak digunakan untuk menilai kontribusi terhadap keberadaan suatu sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan. WTP juga dapat diberikan untuk nilai keberadaan suatu kawasan wisata (Subanti et al, 2017; Anna and Saputra, 2017). WTP merupakan nilai kegunaan potensial dari sumberdaya alam dan jasa lingkungan (Hanley dan Spash, 1993). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar WTP masyarakat lokal sekitar kawasan Teluk Youtefa (Kampung Tobati, Enggros, Nafri) agar keberadaan ekosistem lamun di kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Teluk Youtefa tersebut tetap terjaga dan lestari. Pada penelitian ini juga akan menganalisis variabel-variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap nilai WTP

Lokasi Penelitian
Contingent Valuation Method
Analisis Data
Karakteristik Responden
Willingness to Pay Untuk Nilai Keberadaan Ekosistem Lamun
Pengaruh Varibel Terhadap Nilai WTP
Nafri untuk nilai keberadaan ekosistem lamun di kawasan Taman Wisata Alam
Kegiatan Pelatihan Teknik dan Metode Pengumpulan Data Valuasi
Udara Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin
Full Text
Paper version not known

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