
This research is entitled "Public Perceptions of Providing Direct Cash Assistance during the Covid-19 Pandemic" (Study in Air Asuk Village, Central Siantan District, Anambas Islands Regency). Which aims to find out people's perceptions of giving or distributing direct cash assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic (a study in Air Asuk Village, Siantan Tengah District, Anambas Islands Regency). The theoretical framework in this study is: 1. Perception, 2. Social Assistance, 3. Covid-19. The operational concept used according to Notoatmojo (2005) says there are several factors that influence perception, namely: 1. Feelings, 2. Experience, 3. Ability to think. This research is a research using qualitative methods. That is done with an observation and in-depth interviews with the people of the village of Air Asuk as the informant of this research. The informants and samples included the community as recipients of aid funds, and also people who did not receive these funds. Then the location of this research is in the village of Air Asuk, Anambas Islands Regency. The results of the research are that people who tend to have negative perceptions are people who do not get help, that perception is based on internal and external perception factors, both what is felt, what is experienced while experiencing difficulties in the midst of an epidemic/pandemic, some are based on external factors, namely in the form of a stimulus when they know that the community is capable of getting help, and those who are affected have a negative perception because they have been influenced by other people around them who think that this is not right on target. Furthermore, there are also quite a lot of people who have a positive perception of the distribution of Covid-19 BLT-DD assistance, most of them have a positive perception, namely from the people who receive assistance, while the basis for their evaluation is that the distribution of aid funds is very useful and has been right on target, which tends to be based on internal factors. , as well as feelings of pleasure and help, and based on what is experienced. Just as they felt that the assistance was right on target to them because they really felt affected and had economic difficulties, so that when the informants received assistance, they were able to make them have a positive perception.

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