
Introduction to the study: The ability to write is a skill that is the source or foundation in the process of effective teaching and learning in various disciplines in schools. High achievement and ability in writing skills can definitely improve students' mastery of learning in the subjects taught by teachers. The problem of handwriting skills mechanism is one of the common features seen in Pupils with Special Needs Learning Disabilities (MBKMP). Therefore, handwriting skills among MBKMP is an issue that needs to be emphasized because it can slow down the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Purpose of the study: To identify the perceptions of teachers of the Special Education Integration Program (PPKI) on the problems of handwriting skills among MBKMP. Study procedure: Cross-sectional study, 55 teachers of special education integration program in the district of Selangor. Teachers have to answer two parts of the question that include socio-demographic data and Teachers' Perceptions of MBKMP Writing. Findings: The overall average percentage showed that 47.58% of the teachers agreed that handwriting skills are closely related to children's sensory development. Conclusion: The majority of teachers agree that sensory development greatly influences handwriting skills among children with Learning Disabilities.

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