
This study aims to determine the teacher's perception of the implementation of lesson study in SD Negeri 6 Pempatan. The method in this study uses a qualitative method. This research is a study of how teachers perceive the implementation of lesson study involving 21 fourth grade students and several teachers at SD Negeri 6 Pemempatan. In this study there are two techniques. The technique used in this research is interview and observation technique in data collection. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the teacher's perception of the implementation of lesson study at SD Negeri 6 Pemempatan is positive. This can be proven from the average percentage of teachers' perceptions of the implementation of lesson study at SD Negeri 6 Pempatan, which is 88%, meaning that teachers give a positive response to the implementation of lesson study at SD Negeri 6 Pempatan.

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