
In the current technological era many children are using social media. Children are more vulnerable to experiencing violence in cyberspace. The role of teachers, principals and guardians of students is needed to prevent the occurrence of violence in cyberspace. This study aims to determine the perceptions of teachers, principals, and guardians of students about the phenomenon of cyber violence against children. The subjects of this study were 4 teachers, 2 school principals, and 4 student guardians. Selection of subjects using purposive sampling technique. The object in this study is the perception of teachers, principals, and guardians of students about child violence in cyberspace. This research is a qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data uses triangulation techniques with data analysis using an interactive model consisting of data collection, data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that from (1) the cognitive aspects of teachers, principals and guardians of students who know about child violence in cyberspace prevent children from violence in cyberspace. (2) Affective aspects, feelings of teachers, principals and guardians of students are good, if children experience violence in cyberspace feel sad and sad. However, in the context of finding children who experience violence in cyberspace is still classified as passive. Teachers, principals and guardians of students will take action if there is a complaint from the child. (3) Conative aspects, when in school teachers and principals tend to act to prevent violence by advising children, prohibiting the use of mobile phones in schools and not providing internet support facilities for children. At home, guardians provide supervision and advice if children access the internet.


  • Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dilihat dari (1) Aspek kognitif guru, kepala sekolah dan wali murid yang mengetahui tentang kekerasan anak di dunia maya mencegah anak dari kekerasan di dunia maya

  • SIMPULAN Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat persepsi guru, kepala sekolah dan wali murid tentang fenomena kekerasan di dunia maya terhadap anak

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru, kepala sekolah, dan wali murid tentang fenomena kekerasan di dunia maya terhadap anak. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah persepsi guru, kepala sekolah, dan wali murid tentang kekerasan anak di dunia maya. Kejadian ini menunjukkan kurangnya perhatian dari guru, kepala sekolah, dan wali murid tentang bahaya kekerasan di dunia maya terhadap anak.

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