
Perception of Marketing Mix on Consumer Satisfaction and The Relations withIntention to Revisit in Mangsi CoffeeMangsi Coffee is one coffee shop in Denpasar area, as one of the tourism facilities inBali. Rapid market competition resulted in Mangsi needing to pay attention to customersatisfaction. Consumer satisfaction is measured through consumer perceptions byassessing the marketing strategies that have been applied. The purpose of this study is toidentify indicators forming marketing mix variables that affect customer satisfaction andits relationship with intention to revisit in Mangsi Coffee. This research was conductedat Mangsi Coffee Sanur and Merdeka with 100 respondents. The analysis used isStructural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that the product variable wasformed by 5 brand indicators, taste, presentation, aroma, and product variation. Pricevariables are formed by 3 indicators, namely affordability, price suitability, and pricecompetitiveness. Promotion variables are formed by 4 indicators of service, media,quality, and quantity of promotion. Place variables are formed by 4 indicators ofcomfort, decoration, cleanliness and service. The results of the direct influence ofexogenous variables on endogenous variables with a significant level is 5% (0.05)indicate that all direct relationships have a significant and positive effect. The influenceof the most significant marketing mix variables on customer satisfaction is thepromotion variable is 21.7% (0.217) with p-Value is 0.065. The effect of variablecustomer satisfaction on intention to revisit is 77.3% (0.773) with a p-Value is 0.000.The results showed that consumer satisfaction at Mangsi Coffee was good but anevaluation of marketing strategy was needed if a marketing strategy was changed.


  • Sektor pariwisata Bali merupakan sektor yang berkontribusi paling tinggi terhadap PDRB (Produk Domestik Regional Bruto) Bali dari tahun 2010-2016 dibandingkan sektor lainnya seperti pertanian, ekonomi dan lainnya

  • The purpose of this study is to identify indicators forming marketing mix variables that affect customer satisfaction and its relationship with intention to revisit in Mangsi Coffee

  • The results showed that the product variable was formed by 5 brand indicators, taste, presentation, aroma, and product variation

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Rumusan Masalah

Berdasarkan latarbelakang masalah diatas, maka dapat dirumuskan permasalahan sebagai berikut: 1. Apa saja indikator-indikator pembentuk variabel dalam bauran pemasaran produk kopi Mangsi Coffee? 2. Apa saja indikator-indikator pembentuk variabel dalam bauran pemasaran produk kopi Mangsi Coffee? 2. Bagaimana pengaruh persepsi bauran pemasaran terhadap kepuasan konsumen dalam mengkonsumsi produk kopi Mangsi Coffee? Mengidentifikasi indikator-indikator pembentuk variabel dalam bauran pemasaran produk kopi Mangsi Coffee. 2. Mengetahui pengaruh persepsi bauran pemasaran terhadap kepuasan konsumen dalam mengkonsumsi produk kopi Mangsi Coffee. 2.3 Responden Penelitian dan Informan Kunci Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang datang ke Mangsi Coffee dan mengkonsumsi produk kopi dari Mangsi Coffee. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 sampel yang terdiri dari 50 orang konsumen mancanegara dan 50 orang konsumen lokal. 2.5 Metode Analisis Data Data pada penelitian ini berupa pengukuran persepsi seseorang terhadap tingkat kepuasan yang tidak dapat diukur langsung dengan nilai. Menurut Sugiyono (2010) Skala likert dapat digunakan untuk mengukur sikap, pendapat, dan persepsi orang tentang fenomena sosial, sehingga data dalam penelitian ini diukur melalui Skala Likert. Konsumen yang mengkonsumsi kopi di dominasi oleh kaum laki-laki sebanyak 57% yang didominasi oleh kalangan usia produktif sebesar 47%

Hasil Analisis Uji Validitas
Hasil Analisis Uji Reliabilitas
Analisis Konfirmatif
Hasil Analisis Model Pengukuran
Kelayakan dari Model Persamaan Struktural
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