
Online news portals are interesting objects to study because they are superior to traditional media. The presence of the web, makes many researchers see the emergence of new public spaces in which individuals can find and produce diverse information. The development of the media was interestingly researched on seven online news portals which became the pioneers of online media in Indonesia, namely Detik, Kompas, Republika, Okezone, Media Indonesia, Tempo and VIVA . The purpose of this research is to find out media competition by using niche theory perspectives in two aspects namely niche breadt and overlap niche from Detik, Kompas, Republika, Media Indonesia, Okezone, Tempo and VIVA in terms of message distribution. Researchers want to see how competition between online news portals is equally competitive with different media characteristics. The method used first is quantitative content analysis as initial data to calculate niche breadth and niche overlap, second niche breadth analysis, and thirdly niche overlap analysis of the seven online news portals studied.. The results show that media competition in the breadth niche is divided into two generalist parts and tends to be generalist. Generalists point out that online news portals do not depend on a single source of life support. The overlapping niche results show that the level of competition or overlap of the seven online news portals can be said to be high or tight. The high competition category is divided into three parts, namely, the highest, tend to be high and a little high.


  • Portal berita online menjadi objek yang menarik untuk diteliti karena lebih unggul daripada media tradisional

  • The results show that media competition in the breadth niche is divided into two generalist parts and tends to be generalist

  • Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 215-229

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Peneliti menggunakan metodologi kuantitatif berdasarakan paradigma positivistik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Peneliti dalam hal ini dituntut bersikap objektif dan memisahkan diri dari data dalam penelitian, hal tersebut dilakukan untuk menjaga keobjektifan data analisis (Kriyantono, 2008). Populasi yang diteliti yakni seluruh headline berita yang ada pada tujuh portal berita online selama bulan April hingga Desember 2019. Peneliti memilih sampel berita yakni hanya pada headline beritanya saja yang ada pada ketujuh portal berita online yang diteliti. Pemilihan berita dengan teknik sampling sederhana karena sampling random sederharna pada setiap populasinya memiliki peluang yang sama untuk dipilih menjadi sampel (Kriyantono, 2008). Tahapan untuk menguji reliabilitas menurut Kriyantono (2008) adalah periset melakukan pretest dengan cara mengkoding sampel ke dalam kategorisasi. Niche breadth menunjukkan tingkat hubungan antar populasi dengan sumber penunjangnya, sedangkan niche overlap atau tumpang tindih niche menjelaskan bahwa sejauh mana dua populasi berbagi sumber daya yang sama. Nilai A berikisar antara minimum 1 sampai dengan jumlah maksimum kategori sumber (I) yang digunakan A

Cenderung Generalis
Niche online breadth
Portal berita online Niche overlap
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