
Conflict and Division of political parties in Indonesia is not a new issue, but the phenomenon had long been party Schism happened before, in the era of reform party politics have always been in a split issue with hit never finished, one of the political parties are Golongan karya, the ruling party during the new order Government has always been conflicts and the party's internal divisions, the year 2014 Golongan karya again struck with the dynamics of the Division and gave birth to the dualism of the DPP at the level of stewardship, this research aims to look at the Division and solid elite DPD I Golongan karya North Maluku on winning the election for mayor of ternate year 2015. in this research method used was qualitative case study method, in the technique of collecting data using interviews, documentation and the withdrawal of the conclusion, in this study the theory used to analyse problems is a theory institutional political party, with this theory the author can see solid and elite divisions Golongan karya ternate city in the regional head election momentum the year 2015.
 The results of the research there were some problems occurred in the internal Golongan karya ternate city, that the occurrence of structural conflict between Superintendent DPD I North Maluku with DPD II city of ternate, in addition there is also a policy dismissal a number of party cadres in ternate city conducted by Chairman of DPD I North Maluku, the split of the party in the region is inseparable with the dynamics of the political elite at the central level, that the split at the level of DPP implicates against decline of votes in the election of Golongan karya regional heads of ternate city, the party defeats 2015 work on the caused level of solid elite is not well formed, and this dismissal policy is the starting point of the party elite and splits in the political interest of the element value in the selection of the head of the regional city of ternate

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