
Endogenous DNA damage induced by lipid peroxidation is believed to play a critical role in carcinogenesis. Lipid peroxidation generates free radical intermediates (primarily peroxyl radicals, ROO(*)) and electrophilic aldehydes as the principal genotoxicants. Although detailed information is available on the role of aldehyde base adducts in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis, the contribution of peroxyl radical mediated DNA base damage is less well understood. In the present study we have mapped oxidative base damage induced by peroxyl radicals in the supF tRNA gene and correlated this information with peroxidation-induced mutations in several human fibroblast cell lines. Nearly identical patterns of oxidative base damage were obtained from reaction of DNA with either peroxidizing arachidonic acid (20:4omega6) or peroxyl radicals generated by thermolysis of ABIP in the presence of oxygen. Oxidative base damage primarily occurred at G and C. Transversions at GC base pairs in the supF gene were the major base substitution detected in all cell lines. Peroxyl radical induced tandem mutations were also observed. Many mutation hot spots coincided with sites of mapped oxidative lesions, although in some cases hot spots occurred adjacent to the damaged base. Evidence is presented for the involvement of 8-oxodG in the oxidation of DNA by ROO(*). These results are used to interpret some key features of previously published mutation spectra induced by lipid peroxidation in human cells.

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