
ABSTRACTDuring 2016, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Per-Olov Löwdin. He was appointed to the first Lehrstuhl in quantum chemistry at Uppsala University in 1960. Löwdin introduced quantum chemistry as a field in its own right by formulating its goals, establishing fundamental concepts, like the correlation energy, the method of configuration interaction, reduced density matrices, natural spin orbitals, charge and bond order matrices, symmetric orthogonalisation, and generalised self-consistent fields. His exposition of partitioning technique and perturbation theory, wave and reaction operators and associated non-linear summation techniques, introduced mathematical rigour and deductive order in the interpretative organisation of the new field. He brought the first computer to Uppsala University and pioneered the initiation of ‘electronic brains’ and anticipated their significance for quantum chemistry. Perhaps his single most influential contribution to the field was his education of two generations of future faculty in quantum chemistry through Summer Schools in the Scandinavian Mountains, Winter Institutes at Sanibel Island in the Gulf of Mexico. Per-Olov Löwdin founded the book series Advances in Quantum Chemistry and the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. The evolution of quantum chemistry is appraised, starting from a collection of cross-disciplinary applications of quantum mechanics to the technologically advanced and predominant field of today, virtually used in all branches of chemistry. The scientific work of Per-Olov Löwdin has been crucial for the development of this new important province of science.

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