
In the last few decades, BKKBN had success with the slogan "two children are enough, men and women are same", but in the lives of people of West Sumatra with the matrilineal system, probably will have its own assessment. Using Poisson and logistic regression analysis obtained (1) Wife education, age at marriage, age of head of household, spending, business sector head of the household, and home ownership status significantly influence demand for children. (2) Preference sex of the child, the wife education, age of head of household, wife's employment status and number of children under 5 years significant effect on household desire to have children again. An important finding of this study is a household that already has two children with the same sex have a high tendency to immediately add a child. The implications of this study indicate that the importance of education, especially for women, delaying the age of marriage, and particularly planning sex of the fetus, which is still very rarely carried out in an effort to reduce the level of fertility.Keywords: demand for children; logistic regression, poisson regression


  • Abstrak : Dalam beberapa dekade yang lalu, BKKBN pernah sukses dengan slogan “dua anak cukup, laki-laki perempuan sama saja”, namun dalam kehidupan masyarakat Sumatera Barat dengan sistem matrilineal, mungkin akan memiliki penilaian tersendiri

  • The implications of this study indicate that the importance of education, especially for women, delaying the age of marriage, and planning sex of the fetus, which is still very rarely carried out in an effort to reduce the level of fertility

  • Nilai marginal effect status bekerja istri sebesar -0,0001 artinya jika rumah tangga yang istrinya bekerja maka peluang untuk segera menambah anak lagi sebesar 0,0001 poin atau 0,01 persen

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Dewi Zaini Putri Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang

In the last few decades, BKKBN had success with the slogan "two children are enough, men and women are same", but in the lives of people of West Sumatra with the matrilineal system, probably will have its own assessment. Temuan penting dari studi ini adalah sebuah rumah tangga yang telah memiliki 2 orang anak dengan jenis kelamin yang sama memiliki kecenderungan yang tinggi untuk segera menambah anak. Implikasi dari studi ini mengindikasikan bahwa pentingnya peningkatan pendidikan khususnya bagi kaum wanita, penundaan usia menikah, dan khususnya perencanaan jenis kelamin janin yang saat ini masih sangat jarang dilakukan dalam upaya untuk mengurangi tingkat fertilitas. Selanjutnya Cigno (dalam Dartanto,2008) menyatakan bahwa permintaan anak ditentukan oleh umur, pendidikan, usia saat pernikahan pertama, usia pernikahan, tingkat kematian bayi, preferensi jenis kelamin anak, wilayah, upah istri, dan pendapatan. Menurunnya tingkat fertilitas di Sumatera Barat menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi pergeseran nilai anak bagi rumah tangga.

Jumlah anak dalam rumah tangga:dalam orang
Marginal Effects
Keinginan untuk segera menambah anak
Odds ratio
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