
On the basis of partially published original data on the correlation of Permian sections, the stage boundaries of the standard (SSS) and general (GSS) stratigraphic scales are traced in different paleogeographic regions and climatic belts using reliably substantiated correlation levels. The analysis of the mixed west and east boreal Kungurian–early Ufimian and Middle Permian boreal–peri-Gondwanan–Tethyan brachiopod assemblages from southern Primorye using different stratigraphic methods (biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, event-stratigraphy) and carbon isotope data make it possible for the first time to define five event-correlation levels traceable in remote paleogeographic regions. Presumable analogs of the Sheshma deposits of the GSS Ufimian Stage with the Kazanian biota established in Primorye and traced through the Boreal realm are attributed to the Middle (Biarmian) Series of the Permian System. The magnetostratigraphic method combined with strict biostratigraphic control allows correlation of the Roadian, Capitanian, Wuchiapigian, and Changhsinian stages and their boundaries in the standard stratigraphic scale with the Kazanian, Severodvinian, and Vyatkian stages (and boundaries) in the general stratigraphic scale and with similar units in the Tethyan scale to be specified.

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