
Permo-Triassic carbonates with minor basal clastics cover extensive tracts of the Shan Plateau in the eastern part of Myanmar. These carbonates are grouped into the Permian Thitsipin Limestone Formation and the Late Permian–Early Triassic Nwabangyi Dolomite Formation. The Thitsipin Formation occurs as isolated masses, in many places faulted against older rocks. It is now known that there is a regional unconformity between the Thitsipin Limestone Formation and the underlying silici-carbonates of Devonian age in Shan State, and between the Thitsipin Limestone Formation and Carboniferous meta-siliciclastics in Kayah State, Mon State, Kayin State and Tanintharyi Division. Some of the Thitsipin limestone is dolomitized and passes transitionally upward into the Nwabangyi Dolomite Formation. Permian shelf-carbonates occur within two different sequences: the silici-carbonate sequence of the Shan–Thai Block and the meta-siliciclastic sequence of the Mergui Terrane, suggesting that the Permian limestones were deposited after the emplacement of the Mergui Terrane onto the southern margin of the Shan–Thai Block. This event occurred when the Shan–Thai Block was in the southern hemisphere.

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