
Abstract An experiment was conducted during the fall of 1983, in a conifer plantation near Thessalon, Ontario, to assess the downwind deposits and airborne concentrations of permethrin [3‐phenoxybenzyl (±) cis‐, trans‐ 3‐(2,2‐dichloroviny1)‐2,2‐dimethylcyclopropanecar‐boxylate], following application as an emulsion formulation, over a single 100 m spray line at 35 g AI (active ingredient)/ha. The insecticide was collected up to 150 m downwind by using various static collectors and air samplers. Simultaneous measurements of droplet deposition on Kromekote® cards permitted calculation of droplets/cm2 and size spectra. The data indicated that permethrin deposits on all static collectors were greatest within 30 m of the spray swath. Deposits per unit area of the collectors, droplets/cm2 of the sampling cards and airborne concentrations all decreased exponentially with increasing downwind distance. Beyond 30 m downwind, the amounts of the insecticide trapped by various collectors were extremely low, and were b...

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