
TheHRP-1cell line is derived from normal rat placenta and appears morphologically similar to and retains characteristic expression of cellular markers of labyrinthine trophoblast cells. In this study, monolayers ofHRP-1cells grown on permeable supports were evaluated as a potentialin vitrosystem to study trophoblast transport and metabolism. The cell line was shown to express and retain functional activity of the predominant placental cytochrome P450 isozyme, CYP1A1. Additionally, theHRP-1cells retain functional activity of angiotensin I converting enzyme and carboxypeptidase N-like enzyme, peptidases characteristic of the trophoblast. The permeation of several hydrophilic, inert markers across theHRP-1monolayers was observed to be dependent on effective molecular size and to be passive in nature. Functional asymmetry of theHRP-1cells was illustrated by the predominant permeation of linoleic acid in the apical-to-basolateral direction across the monolayers. Transferrin passage acrossHRP-1monolayers was concentration-dependent, was bidirectional, and could be inhibited by unlabeled transferrin, features typical of the trophoblast transport system for transferrin. Collectively, these properties suggest that theHRP-1cell line may provide a useful tool for evaluating some of the permeability and metabolic properties of the trophoblast.

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