
Virgin quarried materials are becoming increasingly scarce in our environment, and these materials are no longer a viable or economical solution for the construction industry. The construction industry is constantly seeking new markets for recycled waste in civil engineering applications. This research’s primary focus is the optimization of the usage of recycled materials such as recycled glass (RG), crushed brick (CB), and crushed concrete (CC), in pavement base/sub-base applications. Various percentages of RG, up to 40%, were blended with two types of CC in this research. The CC and CB, which were used as triple blends in this research, were utilized for the upper (100% CC) and lower sub-bases (up to 50% CB). This study sought to establish the maximum amount of RG that could be incorporated in the triple blends with CB and CC whilst maintaining an acceptable performance. Thus, a comprehensive series of fundamental and advanced geotechnical laboratory tests, including repeated load triaxial (RLT) and wheel-tracker (WT) tests, were performed to assess the engineering properties and permanent deformation characteristics of these triple blends. The particle-size distribution curve and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values of all the blends met the minimum requirements. Results of RLT tests confirmed that all the nominated blends were found to provide the resilient modulus value required to be used as pavement materials. The WT results on the triple blend with 15% RG showed that the specimen performed exceptionally well during the test and comfortably met the requirements to be used in pavement applications. Based on the engineering properties and permanent deformation results, up to 15% RG can be suggested for incorporation as an accompanying material in unbound roadwork applications. Subject to the outcomes of future field testing, there might be potential to increase the percentage of RG added in the blends up to 30%.

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