
This paper analyzes the limiting behavior of the positive solutions of a general class of sublinear elliptic weighted mixed boundary value problems as the amplitude of the positive part of the lower order terms of the differential operator blows up to infinity. The main result establishes that the positive solutions approximate zero within the support of the positive part of the potential, whereas they stabilize to the positive solution of a certain elliptic mixed boundary value problem on its complement. Further, we use this result for deriving some general principles in competing species dynamics. Precisely, we shall show that in the presence of a refuge region two competing species must coexist if their reproduction rates are sufficiently large, independently of the strength of the competition. It should be emphasized that the abstract theory developed here allows measuring how large the reproduction rates should be for being permanent, providing us, simultaneously, with the limiting behavior of each of the species separately. Basically, when the pressure from the competitor grows the tackled species concentrates within its refuge. The results of this paper are substantial extensions of some pioneer results found by one of the authors in [16, Section 4]. The main ingredients in deriving the main results of this paper are the continuous dependence of the principal eigenvalue with respect to a general class of perturbations of the domain around its Dirichlet boundary – very recent result coming from [6] – and the continuous dependence of the positive solutions of the sublinear problem – coming from [7].

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