
Carrying out an auction is the payment of the auction object from the buyer to the auction seller, with the aim of paying off the debtor's debt to the creditor. However, in its implementation obstacles often arise such as the auction object cannot be controlled by the winning party. This research aims to determine legal protection for auction winners, as well as other obstacles faced by auction winners. In this research, the approach methods applied include: case approach methods through court decisions and statutory regulations. The legal materials used in this research use secondary legal materials in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The results of this research are legal protection for the rights of auction winners in the form of repressive protection contained in HIR, Vendu Regulation, PMK No. 213/PMK.06./2020, and the Civil Code. To obtain their rights, they can make real execution efforts. Meanwhile, in this research, the obstacles that influence the auction winner are non-juridical obstacles.

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