
Electricity is one of the vital life needs of the community. PLN, as the official provider of electricity, has issued a payment policy through the PPOB system with the aim of providing more service for consumers along with rapid changes in technology and information flow. But on the other hand, the policy of implementing payments through the PPOB turned out to have hurt consumer rights. Consumers are charged an additional administration fee which amounts vary, ranging from Rp1,600.00 to Rp5,000.00. This policy is unilaterally included in the standard agreement through the Power Purchase Agreement and violates the provisions in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection (UUPK). So that the problem arises as to how the business actor's responsibility for consumer losses due to the PPOB system is based on Article 19 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) UUPK? and how do consumers protect against the implementation of clauses in electricity payment transactions? The research method used is normative juridical research method. The results of research that PLN violated the provisions of Article 4 letter b and c Article 5 letter c and Article 18 Paragraph (1) letter a UUPK, then PLN is responsible for losses suffered by electricity consumers who use electricity payment services through the PPOB system which is materially regulated in Article 19 The UUPK confirms that business actors are responsible for providing compensation for the damage, pollution and / or loss of consumers due to consuming goods and / or services produced or traded. However, the legal action of the consumer lawsuit that sued PLN in the South Jakarta District Court in its decision was rejected, so the consumer must accept the judge's decision and must accept the payment system that has been determined by PLN through the PPOB system. PLN's policy of applying the standard clause in the PPOB system benefits banks, but is detrimental to consumers because the basis of the charges is unclear and is detrimental to consumers. Thus, consumer protection against the implementation of clauses in electricity payment transactions applicable Article 18 paragraph (3) UUPK will be declared null and void.

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