
Uncertainty of the status of the building rights after the termination of the contract for th e place of business has an impact on third parties (tenants) who do not get certainty to who pays the lease obligations. Each party, both from the Tegal City Regional Government and the Investor claim as the right party. Even since the settlement of the peace agreement for the implementation of the Reinjection Decision Number 413/PK/Pdt/2008 (from the Investor's lawsuit against the Tegal City Government) after th e termination of the contract for the place. The tenant gets uncertainty again when the In ve stor's lawsuit against the tenant after receiving the morning market compensation fro m the Tegal City Government, increasingly becomes unclear the status of the HGB for th e stall occupied. This study uses a normative juridical approach to analyze court decisions and termination of agreements and legal protection. The research specification is descriptiveanalytic and the analysis is based on secondary data. Te rmination of the contract for the place of business does not necessarily mean that the status of the HGB has also been transferred. This must bedone with the release of rights as regulated in Article 35 of Government Regulation Number 40 of 1996, Land Use Rights, Building Use Rights, and Land Use Rights, namely paragraph 1 (c) , in th e case of the author who raised the status of the HGB above the HPL of Block B and C of the Tegal City Morning Market after the termination of the contract for the place of business is still on behalf of the Investor as the rights holder. Legal protection for third parties/tenants is the first repressive form of protection which is reflected in the objection ruling Decision Objection. Number 7/Pdt.G.S/2018/PN. The Tegal District Court's claim from an investor that was declared unacceptable refers to the im plementation of a peace agreement between the Tegal City Government and the In ve stor.


  • Uncertainty of the status of the building rights after the termination of the contract for the place of business has an impact on third parties who do not get certainty to who pays the lease obligations

  • The research specification is descriptiveanalytic and the analysis is based on secondary data

  • Legal protection for third parties/tenants is the first repressive form of protection which is reflected in the objection ruling Decision Objection

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Pembangunan infrastruktur merupakan aspek penting bagi daerah, adanya infrastruktur dapat membantu gerak laju pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi masyarakat. Pembiayaan salah satu kendala yang sering dihadapi oleh daerah dalam melaksanakan pembangunan, keterbatasan anggaran dan skala prioritas penggunaan anggaran daerah menjadi hambatan terlaksananya pembangunan infrastruktur. Salah satu cara untuk menyiasati, daerah menggunausahakan barang milik daerah yang bersangkutan dalam bentuk kerjasama/kemitraan dengan pihak swasta.[2]. Kontrak Bagi Tempat Usaha merupakan bentuk perjanjian yang diselenggarakan antara Pemerintah. Pengelolaan (HPL) dan memungkinkan untuk mendirikan tempat usaha, sedangkan untuk membangun bangunan tersebut menjadi tanggungan. 27 | JurnalIdeaHukum Vol 6 No 1 Maret 2020 Magister Hukum Universitas Jenderal Soedirman mendapatkan pokok prestasi berupa hak menerima bangunan tempat usaha berikut prestasi tambahan dari Investor. - Semua biaya penyelesaian bangunan tempat usaha dimaksud menjadi tanggung jawab pihak ketiga (Investor);. - Atas bangunan yang dibangun oleh pihak ketiga tersebut diberikan sertifikat Hak Guna. Tempat Usaha yang terjadi guna pembangunan Pasar Pagi Kota Tegal tidak berjalan dengan lancar.

Status Hak Guna Bangunan yang diperoleh diatas Hak
Sejak pembayaran Ganti
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