
The benefits of land in human life today are very important, because land can be used as a place to live, for gardening, and can be used for investment, for example leasing or transferring property rights to meet their daily needs. The transfer of property rights is carried out by means of a sale and purchase system, the legal basis is Article 26 of the Basic Agrarian Law, although it does not specifically determine the sale and purchase but describes the transfer or transfer which can be interpreted as a legal event that was deliberately agreed to with the intention of transferring land rights to a debtor who can be said to be a buyer by way of exchange, or by means of a will. The agreement for the transfer of title to land should be put in a written form and must be in accordance with the provisions in which the deed of sale and purchase of land rights must be worked out and legalized by the authorized official, namely PPAT. The certificate made or issued by the PPAT becomes strong evidence in court, because the agreement was made in advance of the PPAT and witnessed by 2 people. The research objective of this journal is to find out how the buyer protects the cancellation of the land sale and purchase deed that was sued by the defendant's stepmother as contained in the Supreme Court Judgment on Reconsideration No. 337 PK / Pdt / 2015. The research in this journal uses empirical research where it starts from a gap between the prevailing norms and the reality of its implementation in society. Then the conclusion of this study which is based on the Supreme Court Reconsideration Decision No. 337 PK / Pdt / 2015, which states that the seller must return the money and interest, to be used by the buyer to buy the land, and vice versa, the buyer must return the land it has bought from the seller. Before selling the land, the seller should have previously negotiated with all members of his family, so that neither party would suffer losses and sue for legal action, because the buyer is in a disadvantaged position


  • Manfaat tanah dalamkehidupan manusia pada zaman sekarang sangatlah penting, karenatanah dapat digunakan sebagai tempat untuk tinggal, untuk berkebun, serta bisa digunakan untuk berinvestasi misalnya dikontrakkan atau dialihkan hak miliknya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kehidupannya sehari-hari

  • because land can be used as a place to live

  • describes the transfer or transfer which can be interpreted as a legal event

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Tanah adalah karunia yang diciptakan oleh Tuhan yang sangat bermanfaat dalam hidup setiap makhluk hidup. Dalam ketentuan pasal 26 ini tidak menyebutkan secara spesifik tentang jual beli, melainkan mengalihkan atau dialihkan yang dapat diartikan adanya peristiwa hokum yang dengan persetujuan para pihak dilakukan pemindahan atau pengalihan hak atas tanah kepada pihak yang diperjanjikan menggunakan cara hibah dan jual beli. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 tahun 1997 yang menjelaskan akta peralihan yang dilakukan dengan kesepakatan jual beli kemudian bisa didaftarkan oleh pejabat publik yang mempunyai kewenangan untuk itu yaitu PPAT.. Syarat wajib dipenuhi dalam perjanjian jual beli yaitu syarat terang dan tunai yang dilaksanakan dan dilakukan dimuka PPAT supaya pembuktian perjanjian jual beli tersebut lebih kuat karena sudah dibuat dihadapan seorang notaris sesuai tercantum pada peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang telah diatur pada Pasal 37 ayat (1) tentang pendaftaran tanah yang pada intinya merumuskan tentang peralihan tanah dengan cara jual beli, hibah, tukar menukar, maupun peristiwa hukum. Akta jual beli hak atas tanah? dan bagaimanakah Perlindungan hukum bagi pihak pembeli akibat dibatalkannya akta jual beli?

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