
The Development of the Communication Technology and Its Contributions to the British Administration and Society in Straits Settlements 1902-1938 ABSTRACT A communication system is an important element in facilitating the administration as well as providing communication facilities to the local community. The economic development and changes in the British administration system in the Straits Settlements led the British administration to introduce a modern communication system in the Straits Settlements to facilitate the transmission of information. Most of the previous research on communication is focusing on the development of the transportation system as compared to the communication system. Hence, the objective of this study is to identify the efforts taken by the British in developing communication technology in the Straits Settlements dan its contributions to the administration and the local community. The methodology used for this study is qualitative. The analysis is based on the historical method by making primary sources the main source of analysis. Among the files that were referred to are colonial files CO273 Colonial Office: Straits Settlements Original Correspondence and CO275 Colonial Office: Straits Settlements Sessional Papers. This research shows that there are various efforts taken by the British in the Straits Settlements to develop a perfect and efficient communication system. This includes efforts to improvise the telephone and telegraph facilities by upgrading existing cables of communication. The telephone and telegraph cables were added all over the Straits Settlements which subsequently widened the network of communication to the other Malay States. Wireless technology was also introduced in Singapore and Penang to provide communication that is modern and sophisticated during that era. The transformation in the communication system in the Straits Settlements has contributed to the smooth running of the administration as well as bringing social and economic benefits. Keywords: Communication technology, British administration, Straits Settlements, social service, disseminating information.

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