
The research aims to reveal, describe, and analyze the development of Marcok Dance at Ilok Rupo Art Studio, Sungai Penuh City. This research belongs to a qualitative research using a descriptive analysis method. The types of data in this study were primary and secondary data. The main instrument was the researcher itself, and it was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing tools and cameras. The data were collected through literature, observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis was done through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions drawing. The results show that the traditional Marcok Dance had developed into a creation Marcok Dance. This development can be seen from the management of movements, dancers, floor patterns, accompaniment music, clothing, time performance, and place of performance. In motion, there are 2 new motion additions. Related to the floor pattern, there is a reduction from 26 to 14 creation Marcok dance floor patterns. Costumes have developed in terms of accessories used. In addition, there is an additional musical instrument called gong. The development process of Marcok Dance at the Ilok Rupo Art Studio, Sungai Penuh City is supported because of the desire of Ilok Rupo Art Studio to keep the traditional Marcok Dance by develop it so it is attractive for the community to use. Moreover it is useful as a forum for young people to learn how to maintain cultural heritage, and it becomes an identity in the local area.Keywords: Development, Marcok Dance, Ilok Rupo Art Gallery


  • Indonesia menyimpan beragam jenis adat dan budaya yang memilki keunikan dan kelebihan tersendiri

  • The results show that the traditional Marcok Dance had developed into a creation Marcok Dance

  • This development can be seen from the management of movements, dancers, floor patterns, accompaniment music, clothing, time performance, and place of performance

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Indonesia menyimpan beragam jenis adat dan budaya yang memilki keunikan dan kelebihan tersendiri. Tari tradisional yang tumbuh dan berkembang di Kota Sungai Penuh merupakan perwujudan ide-ide masyarakat yang bersifat gembira, mengharukan, sesuai dengan ungkapan: Menurut Desfiarni (2004: 1-2):. Tari Marcok merupakan salah satu tari tradisional yang tumbuh dan berkembang di Kota Sungai Penuh, tarian ini sudah ada sejak zaman nenek moyang sampai sekarang dan mengalami perjalanan sejarah yang cukup lama, dan disisi lain tari Marcok juga memiliki gerak tertentu, yaitu gerakkan yang diulang-ulang, diiringi dengan musik yang sederhana. Tari tradisi di Kecamatan Sungai Bungkal dilestarikan melalui Sanggar Sanggar Seni, salah satunya Sanggar Seni Ilok Rupo yang didirikan oleh Iskandar Zakaria(Alm) pada tahun 1998, dan sekarang sudah dipimpin oleh ibu Meiza Tety Qadarsih dengan tujuan melestarikan seni tari tradisional dan seni tari kreasi. Perubahan yang terjadi pada tari Marcok saat ini tidak merubah nilai estetis yang ada didalam tari Marcok, menjadikan masyarakat masih suka menyaksikan pertunjukkan tari Marcok. khususnya daerah Kota Sungai Penuh

Metode Penelitian
Tari Marcok
Tari Marcok Tradisional
Tari Marcok Kreasi
Perlunya Tari Marcok di kreasikan di Kota Sungai Penuh
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