
Based on the description above, the research problem is focused on 1) How is indonesian’s situation ahead of the reformation? 2) How was indonesian’s political and economic reform period 1998-1999? 3) How was indonesian’s political and economic development in the early years of 1998-1999? The method used in this study is the historical method. Data collection techniques using observation and documentation techniques,while the data analysis techniques used are qualititative descriptive. The results of the study showed that political and economic development gave good influence, especially in the political field, the antusiasm and participation of the people in the political field were increasingly high, one of them was the formation of new parties. There is an improvement in human right (HAM) which was previously violated during the new order era, justice in the whole word. While in the economic field to improve the economic which was slumped mainly in the bangking sector, the goverment formed the national bangking restructuring agency (BPPN). Furthermore the govermet issued no 5 of 1999 concering the prohibition of monopolistic pratices and unfair competition, as well as law no 8 of 1999 concering consumer protection. The conclusions of the political and economic development of Indonesians society in the early days of reform led to better changes, especially government policies which gave wider room for rights to express opinions and thughts both oral and written. Whereas in the economic field the rate of economic growth began to be positive although not far from 1%.


  • The method used in this study is the historical method

  • of them was the formation of new parties

  • There is an improvement in human right

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Perkembangan adalah serangkaian perubahan progresif yang terjadi karena adanya proses kematangan dan belajar. Perkembangan partai politik di Indonesia merupakan hal yang sudah lama dan menjadi bagian dari kehidupan bangsa Indonesia itu sendiri yaitu sejak adanya penjajah Belanda datang ke Indonesia sampai saat sekarang pasca refomasi yang mana dinamika pergolakannya semakin tinggi. Subjek dari penelitian ini Adalah Perkembangan Politik dan Ekonomi Pada Masa Awal Reformasi Terhadap Kehidupan Masyarakat Indonesia Tahun 19982000.Objek penelitian merupakan bagian yang lebih kecil dari subjek penelitian yang nantinya mewakili subjek penelitian. Oleh karena itu penulis memerlukan instrument atau alat penelitian agustus 1997, nilai tukar rupiah turun dari Rp 2.575,00 menjadi Rp 2.603,00 per dollar Amerika Serikat. Pada masa Orde Baru, kehidupan politik sangat represif, yaitu adanya tekanan yang kuat dari pemerintah terhadap pihak oposisi atau orang-orang yang berpikir kritis

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