
This research is motivated by the lack of complete information, both from books and study texts, about the problems and organizational development of Islamic educational institutions in Muslim minority areas, especially in Bali. Also, the uniqueness of the Denpasar Al-Ma'ruf Foundation was found from the preliminary study. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of the organization providing Islamic education at the Al-Ma'ruf Foundation in the Muslim minority area of ​​Denpasar in 2004–2021 and the obstacles faced and solutions made by the Al-Ma'ruf Foundation in Denpasar, especially in the early days of its establishment. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The results showed a description of the research location to prove the alertness, compliance, and accuracy of internal and external foundations in the condition of Muslim minorities. In addition to experiencing such rapid evolution, the Al-Ma'ruf Denpasar Foundation has also experienced stagnation and involution in some of its activities, and the obstacles faced by the foundation, namely the provision of land and buildings, approval from the environment, as well as the readiness of professional Human Resources, qualifications, and competent. The foundation's solutions, namely by renting land contracts, supporting funds from the foundation's business, persuasive approaches to the surrounding community and related officials, and asking for help from experts, including teachers and staff from Java as the most prominent Muslim area.


  • 69 JIE (Journal of Islamic Education) e-ISSN: 2528-0465 | Volume 7, Issue 1 | December-May 2022 p-ISSN: 2503-5363 renting land contracts, supporting funds from the foundation's business, persuasive approaches to the surrounding community and related officials, and asking for help from experts, including teachers and staff from Java as the most prominent Muslim area

  • The results showed a description of the research location to prove the alertness, compliance, and accuracy of internal and external foundations in the condition of Muslim minorities

  • Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Vol 11 No 1, pp. 108–120

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Sebagaimana kita maklumi bahwa pendidikan telah ada sejak dimulainya peradaban di bumi, sehingga setiap negara perlu mengatur penyelenggaraan pendidikan warga negaranya secara nasional sesuai dengan kondisi sosial budaya masing-masing. Kajian maupun informasi secara lengkap tentang perkembangan organisasi yayasan penyelenggara lembaga pendidikan Islam belum banyak ditemukan, apalagi di Bali sebagai daerah minoritas Muslim di negara Indonesia yang mayoritas muslim ini. Dengan mencermati uraian di atas, masih belum ditemukan kajian yang dilakukan di daerah minoritas muslim, pada akhirnya penulis berpendapat bahwa perkembangan organisasi dapat didefinisikan sebagai proses perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik, dimana untuk mengkajinya dapat dilakukan melalui pengamatan terhadap indikasi terjadinya evolusi (pertumbuhan dan perkembangan), stagnasi (kemandegan), dan involusi (kemunduran) pada beberapa aktivitas yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan program yang telah dicanangkan demi mencapai tujuan untuk mewujudkan visi dan misi organisasi (Ikhwan, 2014), dari awal pendirian organisasi hingga pada masa perkembangannya saat ini, utamanya berbagai kendala dan solusi yang di ambil di daerah minoritas muslim di Denpasar Bali.

Penyelenggaraan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Yayasan
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