
 Hadith scholars have utilised a variety of approaches to determine the status al-jarh wa al-ta‘dil of a hadith narrator. One of these is by analysing the style of hadith narration he used. As a result, the occurrence of al-tafarrud narration is one of the types of hadith narration that influences the judgement of a narrator’s status of al-jarh wa al-ta‘dil. However, the impact of this part does not appear to have been discussed in contemporary hadith scholarly discussions. Even, the presence of this element is sometimes thought to have no influence on the narrator’s status or the narration itself. Therefore, this article will emphasise the impact of al-tafarrud factors in determining the credibility of hadith narrators. In order to achieve these objectives, a qualitative study was conducted to procure the data through library research. The data was then analyzed based on deductive methods. The study's results demonstrated that the frequency of the narrator's narrative, whether it be al-muwafaqah, al-mukhalafah, or al-tafarrud, is what determines the level of al-dabt of the narrator. The study also found that the rating of hadith scholars is influenced by how frequently an individual uses al-tafarrud in his or her narration. The terms commonly used for narrators who narrate hadith in al-tafarrud are such as munkar al-hadith, matruk al-hadith, la yutaba ‘alayh and la yahttaju bih idha infarada.

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