
Return to methamphetamine (meth) use is part of an overarching addictive disorder hallmarked by cognitive sequela and cortical dysfunction in individuals who use meth chronically. In rats, long access meth self-administration produces object recognition memory deficits due to drug-induced plasticity within the perirhinal cortex (PRH). PRH projections are numerous and include the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). To evaluate the role of the PRH-mPFC reciprocal circuit in novel object recognition memory, a rgAAV encoding GFP-tagged Cre recombinase was infused into the PRH or the mPFC and rats were tested for recognition memory. On test day, one group explored both familiar and novel objects. A second group explored only familiar objects. GFP and Fos expression were visualized in the mPFC or PRH. During exploration, PRH neurons receiving input from the mPFC were equally activated by exploration of novel and familiar objects. In contrast, PRH neurons that provide input to the mPFC were disproportionately activated by novel objects. Further, the percent of Fos + cells in the PRH positively correlated with recognition memory. As such, the flow of communication appears to be from the PRH to the mPFC. In agreement with this proposed directionality, chemogenetic inhibition of the PRH-mPFC circuit impaired object recognition memory, whereas chemogenetic activation in animals with a history of long access meth self-administration reversed the meth-induced recognition memory deficit. This finding informs future work aimed at understanding the role of the PRH, mPFC, and their connectivity in meth associated memory deficits. These data suggest a more complex circuitry governing recognition memory than previously indicated with anatomical or lesion studies.

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